Stories--when told well--entertain us, enthrall us, captivate us. At times, however, they provide far more—commenting on the world, defining our society, revealing our origins or our future. Sometimes, stories are deeply personal—shaping who we are or who we aim to be. In the Lit Matters podcast, English professor and lover of stories, Chris Evans, discusses the question of “what stories should we all be reading?” with fellow teachers, librarians, writers, musicians, professionals, students, and more. Join him in this quest to create an empowering and inclusive bookshelf for all.
Sunday May 02, 2021
The Parable of the Sower with Dr. Flavia Ruzi
Sunday May 02, 2021
Sunday May 02, 2021
For Episode # 5 of the Lit Matters Podcast, Chris is joined by Dr. Flavia Ruzi, a Professor of English at Orange Coast College, to discuss Octavia E. Butler’s prophetic vision of the near future, The Parable of the Sower. If the goal of Lit Matters is to build up a collective bookshelf of books that can help change the world, then this novel and this discussion is one you need to hear. Remember:
All that you touch You Change.
All that you Change Changes you.
The only lasting truth Is Change.
For listeners in the Southern California area, here is a fascinating “personal geography” of Pasadena sites connected to Octavia E. Butler: https://lithub.com/finding-octavia-butlers-pasadena/
You might also want to join the Octavia E. Butler Literary Society at https://oebsociety.wordpress.com/